Users Guide

162 Using the RACADM Command Line Interface
To disable the remote capability, type:
racadm config -g cfgRacTuning -o cfgRacTuneRemoteRacadmEnable 0
RACADM Subcommands
Table 9-2 provides a description of each racadm subcommand that you can run in RACADM. For a
detailed listing of racadm subcommands including syntax and valid entries, see "RACADM
Subcommand Overview."
When entering a RACADM subcommand, prefix the command with racadm. For example:
racadm help
Table 9-2. RACADM Subcommands
Command Description
help Lists DRAC 5 subcommands.
help <subcommand> Lists usage statement for the specified subcommand.
arp Displays the contents of the ARP table. ARP table entries may not be added or
clearasrscreen Clears the last ASR (crash) screen (last blue screen).
clrraclog Clears the DRAC 5 log. A single entry is made to indicate the user and time
that the log was cleared.
config Configures the RAC.
getconfig Displays the current RAC configuration properties.
coredump Displays the last DRAC 5 coredump.
coredumpdelete Deletes the coredump stored in the DRAC 5.
fwupdate Executes or displays status on DRAC 5 firmware updates.
getssninfo Displays information about active sessions.
getsysinfo Displays general DRAC 5 and system information.
getractime Displays the DRAC 5 time.
ifconfig Displays the current RAC IP configuration.
netstat Displays the routing table and the current connections.
ping Verifies that the destination IP address is reachable from the DRAC 5 with the
current routing-table contents.
setniccfg Sets the IP configuration for the controller.
getniccfg Displays the current IP configuration for the controller.
getsvctag Displays service tags.
racdump Dumps DRAC 5 status and state information for debug.