Users Guide

For example,
A new VD is created called 2wayVD1 in the storage pool tierPool1. This VD is configured as a Two-way
mirror. The SSD and HDD tiers for this pool was created in the earlier example. Because the
StorageTiers attribute requires objects as its input, the output of the Get-StorageTier PowerShell
command is assigned to the $ssd_tier and $hdd_tier variables, and then used when creating the VD.
StorageTierSizes attribute is set to the size of each tier for which the VD uses the tier disk space.
$ssd_tier = Get-StorageTier -FriendlyName tierPool1_SSD
$hdd_tier = Get-StorageTier -FriendlyName tierPool1_HDD
New-VirtualDisk -FriendlyName “2wayVD1” -StoragePoolFriendlyName “tierPool1” -
ProvisioningType Fixed -ResiliencySettingName Mirror -PhysicalDiskRedundancy 1 –
StorageTiers $ssd_tier, $hdd_tier –StorageTierSizes 2.4TB, 41TB
Enclosure awareness
Enclosure awareness provides an extra layer of fault-tolerance by ensuring that data copies are spread
across the available enclosures, such that the loss of an entire enclosure still allows access to the data.
Enclosure awareness requires at least three storage enclosures.
Table 9. Enclosure configurations for failure coverage
Resiliency level Storage enclosure failure coverage
Two storage enclosures Three storage
Four storage enclosures
Two-way mirror 1 disk 1 enclosure 1 enclosure
Three-way mirror 2 disks 1 enclosure + 1 disk 1 enclosure + 1 disk
Parity 1 disk 1 disk 1 disk
Dual parity 2 disks 2 disks 1 enclosure + 1 disk
Enclosure awareness is configured when you create a VD.
Run the following PowerShell command for enabling enclosure awareness.
New-VirtualDisk -FriendlyName <vdName> -StoragePoolFriendlyName <poolName> -
IsEnclosureAware <$true|$false> -ProvisioningType Fixed -ResiliencySettingName
<Simple| Mirror| Parity> -PhysicalDiskRedundancy <1|2> -StorageTiers
<ssdTierObject, hddTierObject> -StorageTierSizes <ssdTierSize , hddTierSize>
For example,
A new VD is created with the name exampleVD3 in storage pool MyPool1. This VD uses enclosure
awareness so the IsEnclosureAware attribute is set to $true.
New-VirtualDisk -FriendlyName exampleVD3 -StoragePoolFriendlyName MyPool1 -
IsEnclosureAware $true -ProvisioningType Fixed -ResiliencySettingName Mirror -