Users Guide

Configuring user accounts and privileges
You can setup user accounts with specific privileges (role-based authority) to manage your system using iDRAC and maintain
system security. By default iDRAC is configured with a local administrator account. The default iDRAC user name and password
are provided with the system badge. As an administrator, you can setup user accounts to allow other users to access iDRAC.
For more information see the documentation for the server.
You can setup local users or use directory services such as Microsoft Active Directory or LDAP to setup user accounts. Using a
directory service provides a central location for managing authorized user accounts.
iDRAC supports role-based access to users with a set of associated privileges. The roles are administrator, operator, read only,
or none. The role defines the maximum privileges available.
iDRAC user roles and privileges
Recommended characters in user names and passwords
Configuring local users
Configuring Active Directory users
Configuring generic LDAP users
iDRAC user roles and privileges
The iDRAC role and privilege names have changed from earlier generation of servers. The role names are:
Table 20. iDRAC roles
Current Generation Prior Generation Privileges
Administrator Administrator Login, Configure, Configure Users, Logs, System Control, Access Virtual
Console, Access Virtual Media, System Operations, Debug
Operator Power User Login, Configure, System Control, Access Virtual Console, Access
Virtual Media, System Operations, Debug
Read Only Guest User Login
None None None
The following table describes the user privileges:
Table 21. iDRAC user privileges
Current Generation Prior Generation Description
Login Login to iDRAC Enables the user to log in to iDRAC.
Configure Configure iDRAC Enables the user to configure iDRAC. With this privilege, a user can also
configure power management, virtual console, virtual media, licenses,
system settings, storage devices, BIOS settings, SCP and so on.
NOTE: The administrator role overrides all the privileges from the other components such as BIOS setup password.
Configure Users Configure Users Enables the user to allow specific users to access the system.
Logs Clear Logs Enables the user to clear only the System Event Log (SEL).
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