Users Guide

For more information, see the iDRAC RACADM CLI Guide available at
Rebuild Physical Disk
Rebuild Physical Disk is the ability to reconstruct the contents of a failed disk. This is true only when auto rebuild option is set to
false. If there is a redundant virtual disk, the rebuild operation can reconstruct the contents of a failed physical disk. A rebuild
can take place during normal operation, but it degrades performance.
Cancel Rebuild can be used to cancel a rebuild that is in progress. If you cancel a rebuild, the virtual disk remains in a degraded
state. The failure of an additional physical disk can cause the virtual disk to fail and may result in data loss. It is recommended to
perform a rebuild on the failed physical disk at the earliest.
In case, you cancel the rebuild of a physical disk that is assigned as a hot spare, reinitiate the rebuild on the same physical disk in
order to restore the data. Canceling the rebuild of a physical disk and then assigning another physical disk as a hot spare does
not cause the newly assigned hot spare to rebuild the data.
Managing virtual disks
You can perform the following operations for the virtual disks:
Edit policies
Check consistency
Cancel check consistency
Encrypt virtual disks
Assign or unassign dedicated hot spares
Blink and unblink virtual disk
Cancel background initialization
Online capacity expansion
RAID level migration
You can manage and monitor 240 virtual disks using iDRAC interfaces. To create VDs, use either Device Setup (F2),
PERCCLI command line tool, or Dell OpenManage Server Administrator (OMSA).
NOTE: PERC 10 count is less since it does not support daisy chain arrangements.
Creating virtual disks
To implement RAID functions, you must create a virtual disk. A virtual disk refers to storage created by a RAID controller from
one or more physical disks. Although a virtual disk may be created from several physical disks, it is seen by the operating system
as a single disk.
Before creating a virtual disk, you should be familiar with the information in Considerations Before Creating Virtual Disks.
You can create a Virtual Disk using the Physical Disks attached to the PERC controller. To create a Virtual Disk, you must have
the Server Control user privilege. You can create a maximum of 64 virtual drives and a maximum of 16 virtual drives in the same
drive group.
You cannot create a virtual disk if:
Physical disk drives are not available for virtual disk creation. Install additional physical disk drives.
Maximum number of virtual disks that can be created on the controller has been reached. You must delete at least one
virtual disk and then create a new virtual disk.
Maximum number of virtual disks supported by a drive group has been reached. You must delete one virtual disk from the
selected group and then create a new virtual disk.
A job is currently running or scheduled on the selected controller. You must wait for this job to complete or you can delete
the job before attempting a new operation. You can view and manage the status of the scheduled job in the Job Queue page.
Physical disk is in non-RAID mode. You must convert to RAID mode using iDRAC interfaces such as iDRAC web interface,
RACADM, Redfish, WSMan, or <CTRL+R>.
Managing storage devices