Users Guide

You can generate the hash password with and without Salt using SHA256.
You must have Server Control privileges to include and export hash passwords.
If access to all accounts is lost, use iDRAC Settings Utility or local RACADM and perform reset iDRAC to default task.
If the password of the iDRAC user account is set with the SHA256 password hash only and not the other hashes (SHA1v3Key or
MD5v3Key or IPMIKey), then authentication through SNMP v3 and IPMI is not available.
Hash password using RACADM
To set hash passwords, use the following objects with the set command:
NOTE: SHA256Password and SHA256PasswordSalt fields are reserved for XML import and do not set them using
command line tools. Setting one of the fields can potentially lock out the current user from logging into iDRAC. When a
password is imported using SHA256Password, the iDRAC will not be enforcing the password length check.
Use the following command to include the hash password in the exported server configuration profile:
racadm get -f <file name> -l <NFS / CIFS / HTTP / HTTPS share> -u <username> -p
<password> -t <filetype> --includePH
You must set the Salt attribute when the associated hash is set.
NOTE: The attributes are not applicable to the INI configuration file.
Hash password in server configuration profile
The new hash passwords can be optionally exported in the server configuration profile.
When importing server configuration profile, you can uncomment the existing password attribute or the new password hash
attribute(s). If both are uncommented an error is generated and the password is not set. A commented attribute is not applied
during an import.
Generating hash password without SNMPv3 and IPMI authentication
Hash password can be generated without SNMPv3 and IPMI authentication with or without salt. Both require SHA256.
To generate hash password with salt:
1. For the iDRAC user accounts, you must salt the password using SHA256.
When you salt the password, a 16-bytes binary string is appended. The Salt is required to be 16 bytes long, if provided. Once
appended, it becomes a 32 character string. The format is "password"+"salt", for example:
Salt = ALITTLEBITOFSALT16 characters are appended
2. Open a Linux command prompt, and run the following command:
Generate Hash-> echo-n SOMEPASSWORDALITTLEBITOFSALT|sha256sum -><HASH>
Generate Hex Representation of Salt -> echo -n ALITTLEBITOFSALT | xxd p -> <HEX-
set iDRAC.Users.4.SHA256Password <HASH>
set iDRAC.Users.4.SHA256PasswordSalt <HEX-SALT>
3. Provide hash value and salt in the imported server configuration profile, the RACADM commands, Redfish, or WSMan.
Setting up managed system