Owners Manual

Next step
1 Complete the procedure listed in After working inside your system.
Server board
A server board (also known as the motherboard) is the main printed circuit board in the system with dierent connectors used to connect
dierent components or peripherals of the system. A server board provides the electrical connections to the components in the system to
Removing server board
CAUTION: Do not attempt to remove the TPM plug-in module from the server board. Once the TPM plug-in module is installed,
it is cryptographically bound to that specic server board. Any attempt to remove an installed TPM plug-in module breaks the
cryptographic binding, and it cannot be reinstalled or installed on another server board.
1 Follow the safety guidelines listed in the Safety instructions section.
2 Complete the procedure listed in Before working inside your system.
3 Remove the PCIe card.
4 Remove the mezzanine card.
5 Remove the OCP card.
6 Remove the expansion riser on slot 5.
7 Remove memory modules.
8 Remove heat sinks and processors.
1 Disconnect all cables from the server board.
2 Remove the securing screws from the server board.
3 Disconnect the cable clip rings.
: The location of cable clips may dier depending on the models.
Installing and removing server components 109