Users Guide

Configuring iDRAC for Single Sign-On or
smart card login
This section provides information to configure iDRAC for Smart Card login (for local users and Active Directory users), and
Single Sign-On (SSO) login (for Active Directory users.) SSO and smart card login are licensed features.
iDRAC supports Kerberos based Active Directory authentication to support Smart Card and SSO logins. For information on
Kerberos, see the Microsoft website.
Prerequisites for Active Directory Single Sign-On or smart card login
Configuring iDRAC SSO login for Active Directory users
Enabling or disabling smart card login
Configuring Smart Card Login
Using Smart Card to Login
Prerequisites for Active Directory Single Sign-On or
smart card login
The prerequisites to Active Directory based SSO or Smart Card logins are:
Synchronize iDRAC time with the Active Directory domain controller time. If not, kerberos authentication on iDRAC fails. You
can use the Time zone and NTP feature to synchronize the time. To do this, see Configuring time zone and NTP on page 101.
Register iDRAC as a computer in the Active Directory root domain.
Generate a keytab file using the ktpass tool.
To enable Single Sign-On for Extended schema, make sure that the Trust this user for delegation to any service
(Kerberos only) option is selected on the Delegation tab for the keytab user. This tab is available only after creating the
keytab file using ktpass utility.
Configure the browser to enable SSO login.
Create the Active Directory objects and provide the required privileges.
For SSO, configure the reverse lookup zone on the DNS servers for the subnet where iDRAC resides.
NOTE: If the host name does not match the reverse DNS lookup, Kerberos authentication fails.
Configure the browser to support SSO login. For more information, see Single Sign-On on page 345.
NOTE: Google Chrome and Safari do not support Active Directory for SSO login.
Registering iDRAC on Domain name System
To register iDRAC in Active Directory root domain:
1. Click iDRAC Settings > Connectivity > Network.
The Network page is displayed.
2. You can select IPv4 Settings or IPv6 Settings based on the IP settings.
3. Provide a valid Preferred/Alternate DNS Server IP address. This value is a valid DNS server IP address that is part of the
root domain.
4. Select Register iDRAC on DNS.
5. Provide a valid DNS Domain Name.
6. Verify that network DNS configuration matches with the Active Directory DNS information.
For more information about the options, see the iDRAC Online Help.
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