Users Guide

Table 55. Permitted operations (continued)
From Controller End behind
which a VD is going
through OCE/RLM
From VD End (which is
going through OCE/RLM)
From any other Ready
State Physical Disk on the
same controller
From any other VD (which
is not going through
OCE/RLM) End on the
same controller
Set Patrol Read Mode Unblink Assign Global Hot Spare Unblink
Start Patrol Read Convert to non-RAID Disks Rename
Change Controller Properties Change Policy
Manage Physical Disk Power Slow Initialize
Convert to RAID Capable
Fast Initialize
Convert to Non-RAID Disks Replace Member Disk
Change Controller Mode
OCE and RLM Restrictions or Limitations
Following are the common limitations for OCE and RLM:
OCE/RLM is restricted to the scenario where the disk group contains only one VD.
OCE is not supported on RAID50 and RAID60. RLM is not supported on RAID10,RAID50 and RAID60.
If the controller already contains the maximum number of virtual disks, you cannot perform a RAID level migration or capacity
expansion on any virtual disk.
The controller changes the write cache policy of all virtual disks undergoing a RLM/OCE to Write-Through until RLM/OCE is
Reconfiguring Virtual Disks typically impacts disk performance until the reconfiguration operation is complete.
The total number of physical disks in a disk group cannot exceed 32.
If any background operation (like BGI/rebuild/copyback/patrol read ) is already running on the corresponding VD/PD then
Reconfiguration (OCE/RLM) is not allowed at that time.
Any kind of disk migration when Reconfiguration (OCE/RLM) is on progress on drives associated with VD causes
reconfiguration to fail.
Any new drive added for OCE/RLM becomes part of the VD after reconstruction completes. But State for those new drive
changes to Online just after reconstruction starts.
Cancel Initialization
This feature is the ability to cancel the background initialization on a virtual disk. On PERC controllers, the background
initialization of redundant virtual disk starts automatically after a virtual disk is created. The background initialization of
redundant virtual disk prepares the virtual disk for parity information and improves write performance. However, some
processes such as creating a virtual disk cannot be run while the background initialization is in progress. Cancel Initialization
provides the ability to cancel the background initialization manually. Once cancelled, the background initialization automatically
restarts within 0 to 5 minutes.
NOTE: Background initialization is not applicable for RAID 0 virtual disks.
Managing virtual disks using web interface
1. In the iDRAC web interface, go to Configuration > Storage Configuration > Virtual Disk Configuration.
2. From the Virtual Disks, select the controller for which you want to manage the virtual disks.
3. From Action drop-down menu, select an action.
When you select an action, an additional Action window displayed. Select / enter the desired value.
Managing storage devices