Technical information

16 | FTOS Release Notes for the E-Series TeraScale, FTOS Version, October 2012 |
Upgrade the FPGAs
Might be required. Verify FPGA version before proceeding.
FPGA Upgrade options
Upgrade FPGAs on an E-Series TeraScale
FPGA Upgrade options
Although Dell Force10 recommends the procedures detailed in this document, you may need to use a file
that does not reside in the booted FTOS image. FTOS image files can be accessed through ftp, as well as
from a flash or slot0.
This document recommends using the command:
upgrade fpga-image {linecard [0-13 | all]} booted.
To implement one the other supported methods, replace the booted keyword with one of the following.
bus fpga: Upgrade the bus FPGA, which provides CPU memory-mapped access to internal devices
upgrade fpga-image linecard {0-13 |all} bus-fpga
flash: System image file URL (flash://filename)
upgrade fpga-image linecard {0-13 |all} flash://filename
ftp: System image file URL (ftp://userid:password@hostip/filepath)
upgrade fpga-image linecard {0-13 |all} ftp://userid:password@hostip/filepath
last-used-url: Last used system image, cached for 20 minutes.
upgrade fpga-image linecard {0-13 |all} last-used-url
slot0: System image file URL ([slot0://]filename)
upgrade fpga-image linecard [0-13 | all] slot0: //filename
Upgrade FPGAs on an E-Series TeraScale
The E-Series TeraScale supports upgrading the FPGA on SFMs only. Perform an upgrade only when the
system instructs you to do so; contact the Technical Assistance Center if you have any questions.
Verify that an FPGA Upgrade is Required
The system displays a message during bootup (Message 1) if an FPGA image requires an upgrade.
Message 1 FPGA Upgrade Required on E-Series TeraScale
% Error: Incompatible FPGA version detected, mandatory upgrade needed.