Users Guide

NOTE: The default value is 10. The actual value should be greater than 0.
To configure WDT, run the command:
admin@localhost:$ sudo vi /etc/systemd/system.conf.d/watchdog.conf
Cloud LED On/Off
1. To export Cloud LED PIN, run the command:
#sudo su –
#echo 346 > /sys/class/gpio/export
#echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio346/direction
2. To turn on Cloud LED, run the command:
#echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio346/value
To turn off Cloud LED, run the command:
#echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio346/value
Global Positioning Systems (GPS)
NOTE: For more information about GPS configurations, see
National Marine Electronics Association (NMEA) data is supported if the GPS module is present in the system. In the operating system, the
location service is a central hub for multiplexing access to positioning subsystems available through hardware and software. It provides a
client API offering positioning capabilities to applications and other system components..
To retrieve NMEA streaming data:
Device node for NMEA streaming: Edge Gateway 3001/3003
$ cat /dev/ttyS4
To access location service:
$ sudo locationd.monitor
Enabled position/heading/velocity updates...
Update(Position(lat: 26.9511 deg, lon: 155.087 deg, alt: n/a, hor.acc.: n/a, ver.acc.: n/
Update(0.552 m s^-1, 1489044234695698701)
Update(Position(lat: 26.9477 deg, lon: 155.098 deg, alt: n/a, hor.acc.: n/a, ver.acc.: n/
a), 1489044234718316599)
Snappy auto update/Autopilot
Snappy auto update is a feature which runs in the background, ensuring that your software always up-to-date. We recommend that you
enable the feature by default. The settings can be adjusted in the Ubuntu Core.
NOTE: For more information automatic updates, see
Accessing Snappy Store/Snapweb
1. Enter ip_address:4200 in a browser.