Users Guide

refers to the modem index number. Replace
with the modem index number after running the command at step 1.
3. Create a profile.
$ sudo network-manager.nmcli c add con-name test type gsm ifname <primary port> apn
NOTE: Depending on the return results from step 2, replace
<primary port >
after ifname with the actual primary port name.
4. Check the WWAN status.
$ network-manager.nmcli r wwan
5. Turn on WWAN.
$ sudo network-manager.nmcli r wwan on
6. Find wwan0 in the interface list.
$ ifconfig -a
7. Enable the connection profile.
$ sudo network-manager.nmcli c up test
8. Check the Network Manager status.
$ network-manager.nmcli d
9. Disable the connection profile.
$ sudo network-manager.nmcli c down test
10. Check the Network Manager status.
$ network-manager.nmcli d
Connecting through WLAN
1. Show a list of network interfaces like eth0, eth1, wlan0, mlan0, and so on.
$ network-manager.nmcli d
2. Show a list of network interfaces like eth0, eth1, wlan0, mlan0, and so on.
$ network-manager.nmcli d
3. Show a list of available wireless access points.
$ network-manager.nmcli device wifi list
4. Wireless connection with nmcli: Run the following commands and replace $SSID, $PSK, and $WIFI_INTERFACE with the
variables for your environment.
$ sudo network-manager.nmcli dev wifi connect $SSID password $PSK ifname
$ sudo network-manager.nmcli dev disconnect $WIFI_INTERFACE
Connecting through software-enabled Access Point (SoftAP)
This feature depends on the wireless module and its associated driver to function as a wireless-access point.
NOTE: For more information on SoftAP, see
1. Login to Ubuntu Snappy. Make sure that the system is connected to the internet.
2. Run the command to find the application from the Ubuntu Snappy Store.
#sudo snap seach wifi-ap
3. Run the command to install the application.
#sudo snap install wifi-ap
4. After snap is installed, run the command to check the status.
$ wifi-ap.status
5. Run the command to enable the access point and restart the service.
$ wifi-ap.config set disabled=false
The Wi-Fi-AP default SSID Ubuntu is now visible to clients.