Users Guide

Device node for NMEA streaming: Edge Gateway 3002
$ cat /dev/ttyS5
To access location service:
$ sudo locationd.monitor
Enabled position/heading/velocity updates...
Update(Position(lat: 26.9511 deg, lon: 155.087 deg, alt: n/a, hor.acc.: n/a, ver.acc.: n/
Update(0.552 m s^-1, 1489044234695698701)
Update(Position(lat: 26.9477 deg, lon: 155.098 deg, alt: n/a, hor.acc.: n/a, ver.acc.: n/
a), 1489044234718316599)
Snappy auto update/Autopilot
Snappy auto update is a feature which runs in the background, ensuring that your software always up-to-date. We recommend that you
enable the feature by default. The settings can be adjusted in the Ubuntu Core.
NOTE: For more information automatic updates, see
Accessing Snappy Store/Snapweb
1. Enter ip_address:4200 in a browser.
2. Select Advanced, then select proceed to the ip_address(unsafe).
3. Using the default login of 'admin', keeping the password blank, open Terminal and ssh remote login
lo@lo-latitude-E7470:~$ ssh admin@
admin@'s password:
4. While running sudo snapweb.generate-token, copy the token.
lo@lo-latitude-E7470:~$ ssh admin@
admin@'s password:
Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-45-generic x86_64)
* Documentation:
* Management:
* Support:
Welcome to Snappy Ubuntu Core, a transactionally updated Ubuntu.
* See
It's a brave new world here in Snappy Ubuntu Core! This machine does not use apt-get or
deb packages. Please see 'snap --hwlp' for app installation and transactional updates.
Last login: Tue Nov 01:10:12 2016 from
Admin@localhost:~$ sudo snapweb.generate-toen
Snapweb Access Token: