Users Guide

Description: The following method can be used to disable or delete the WWAN connection that was setup using the descriptions
mentioned in the previous sections.
1. Launch minicom as dened in the other sections and choose the appropriate ttyACM port for the Telit module
2. Inside the minicom terminal send the following AT commands
At+gmi (to make sure it is the Telit module)
At+cgatt=0 (Response should be NO CARRIER)
3. Exit out of the minicom terminal by pressing Ctrl-A, Z and X.
On the Linux prompt enter the # ifconfig wwan0 down command to disable wwan0.
Sample Session to disable WWAN0 Connection:
root@WR-IntelligentDevice:~# minicom -D /dev/ttyACM0
Welcome to minicom 2.7
Compiled on Dec 17 2015, 16:20:45.
Port /dev/ttyACM0, 21:33:05
Press CTRL-A Z for help on special keys
^A X Y
root@WR-IntelligentDevice:~# ifconfig wwan0 down
HE910 (HSPA+) WWAN connection conguration
Description: Follow the hardware installation guide to install the HE910 module and the corresponding carrier SIM card in the system.
Once the hardware module and the SIM are installed follow the instructions below to activate 3G HSPA+ connectivity.
The HSPA connection on Wind River Linux can be activated using the following UCI command set or through LuCi web interface.
Below are samples steps to congure 3G WWAN interface:
1. Checking the network conguration.
root@WR-IDP-XXXX:~# cat /etc/config/network
config interface 'wwan'
option ifname '3g-wwan'
option proto '3g'
option device '/dev/ttyACM0'
option ppp_redial 'demand'
option defaultroute '1'
option peerdns '1'
option service 'umts_first'
option sconnservice 'UMTS'
option dialnumber '*99***1#'
config device 'modem_cell'
option name 'modem_cell'
option present 'Yes'
option protoall '3g'
option pppddev '/dev/ttyACM0'
option statedev '/dev/ttyACM3'
option Manufacturer 'Telit'
option Product 'HE910'
option Vendor '1bc7'
option ProdID '0021'
option SerialNumber '357164040868450'
option Rev '12.00.004'
config device 'sim_card'
option name 'sim_card'
option present 'No