Users Guide

Table 34. Main error events (continued)
Event Code Message Text and
Details and Solution
2009 Library test failed due to
accessor problem.
Review test requirements and retry the test.
If the test continues to fail, check for accessor obstructions
or other accessor problems.
For proper operation, the accessor must be able to reach the
bottom of the library. Verify that no obstructions are at the
bottom of the library or on the bottom cover of the library in
the path of the accessor.
1. To check for obstructions at the bottom of the library, rst
power off the library by pressing Power for 5 seconds and
select the Default Park location.
2. When the library is powered off, remove the left magazine
of the lowest library module, and verify that the entire area
of the bottom cover is free of any objects that might
obstruct the accessor's path.
3. After any obstructions are cleared, replace the magazine,
power the library on, and after the library nishes
initialization and inventory, verify that no further critical
events were generated.
2010 Library test failed due to
spooling mechanism defect.
Ensure that the spooling mechanism is fully seated in the base
module and installed correctly to the accessor assembly.
2012 Multiple bottom covers
Remove all bottom covers except for the bottom module in the
2013 Multiple top covers detected. Remove all top covers except for the top module in the library.
2014 Bottom cover is missing. Install the bottom cover on the bottom module of the library,
also check the module interconnect cabling and module power
cabling. If the base module can’t detect both a top and bottom
cover, the accessor doesn’t move.
2015 Top cover is missing. Install the top cover on the top module of the library. Also,
check the module interconnect cabling and module power
cabling. If the base module can’t detect both a top and bottom
cover, the accessor doesn’t move.
2016 Unit to unit not locked. Ensure that the alignment mechanism is engaged in every
module that is above another module in the library.
2017 Communication errors during
stack discover process.
Ensure that all modules are powered and have the
interconnect cable properly attached.
Ensure that the module alignment locks (at the rear of
module) are in the correct positions.
2021 Database access error. Restore a conguration backup and run a power cycle.
2022 Drive was hot-removed. Reinsert the removed drive at the same position as it was
2023 Internal Software error. Check for a new system Software version for upgrade.
2024 Unhandled Exception. Check for a new system Software version for upgrade.
Chapter 5. Troubleshooting 83