Users Guide

1. Log in to the system with the POST command URL https://libraryip:3031/rest/login, where the user
name and password must be sent as content in JSON format (application/json). Example:
"username" : "administrator",
"password" : "password"
2. If the login was successful, a Bearer token is returned like: "Bearer
3. The returned Bearer token must be added as the "Authorization" header value to the REST calls, which
have a security check.
Authorization: Bearer token
Note: If the token or the login is invalid, a 401 HTTP error is returned.
CURL Examples:
curl -X GET "https://libraryip:3031/rest/library/status" -H "accept: application/json" -H
"Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhb….zRcVud3c" -k
curl -X POST "https://libraryip:3031/rest/library/io/open" -H "accept: application/json" -H
Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhb….zRcVud3c" -d "{
\"module\": 1}" -k
To generalize the document and to support different wording in different environments, the following
synonyms are used in this specication.
Table 53. Synonyms
Name Synonym Description
I/O Station Mailslot The removable media slots in a
Logical Library Partition The virtualization of the physical
library into multiple logical
partitions, which shows up for a
host a tape library.
Tape, Cartridge Media The data tape.
VOLSER, VolSer Bar code The bar code label, which is on
the back of the tape media.
Product Variants
The REST API differs in a few areas, depending on the product variants.
Table 54. Product Variants
Authentication No administrator password is
required to log in to service level.
An administrator password is
required to log in to service level.
Sequential Mode Applicable N/A
168 Dell EMC ML3 Tape Library: User's Guide