Users Guide

Identifying Library Module components
Use the packing slip that is included with your module to identify the module components.
The Dell ML3 tape library is shipped with a rack mount kit and all cables (power and interface) when the
unit is ordered.
1. Locate one or more packing slips for your module.
2. Verify that you received each item that is listed on the packing slips.
Note: Order the power cord that matches the electrical requirements of the country or area.
For SAS libraries, you must provide SAS cabling with the correct conguration for your HBA. For Fibre
Channel libraries, you must provide one Fibre Channel cable for each tape drive.
Preparing top and bottom modules
Use these steps to prepare the top and bottom modules for installation.
Skip this step if you are installing a Base Module only without an Expansion Module.
The Base Module has a removable top and bottom covers.
Installing Expansion Modules above the Base Module
If you are installing one or more Expansion Modules above the Base Module, move the top cover from the
Base Module to the Expansion Module that is installed at the top of the library.
To move the library top cover plate from the Base Module to an Expansion Module
1. Remove the library top cover plate from the Base Module. See Step 5 in “Unpacking the Base Module
and Expansion Modules” on page 36.
2. Install the top cover on the Expansion Module that is installed on the top of the library.
a. Place the Expansion Module on a work table.
b. With the front of the top cover raised approximately 12 cm, engage the rear of the cover at the
Expansion Module pivot point at the back of the opening.
c. Lower the front of the top cover until the latches engage on both sides.
Dell EMC ML3 Tape Library: User's Guide