Users Guide

To check your conguration at any time, go to Conguration > Initial System Setup on the Operator
Panel. On the Management GUI, go to Library.
Initial conguration and customization
After the physical installation and initial setup by using the Operator Panel is completed, an administrator
can log on to the Management GUI to complete the library conguration and conguration of any
additional features.
Upon the rst login with the user role administrator and password: adm001, you must change your
password. Your new password must have these characteristics:
8 characters long
At least one lowercase alphabet character
At least one uppercase alphabet character
At least one numeric character
No more than two consecutive characters
The Initial Conguration Wizard guides you through basic conguration settings.
The library has many features to customize it for your organization. Go to “Locating Management
functions” on page 63 to customize your library with these features.
Enabling or disabling the I/O station.
Naming the library with the Manage Logical Library function.
Creating or managing Logical Libraries. See “Library sharing” on page 18 for information.
Selecting Random or Sequential Mode. See “Random and Sequential Logical Library modes” on page 16
for information.
Enabling and conguring SNMP network management.
Setting up email event notication.
Setting up encryption.
Conguring date and time.
Enabling or disabling Library Auto Clean. See “Methods of cleaning drives” on page 70.
Labeling and loading tape cartridges
The library can power on without cartridges, but needs cartridges before it can complete data read and
write operations, or any tests or operations that transfer cartridges.
Bar code labels are highly recommended in production environments to improve inventory time in the
library and ease cartridge-handling processes outside the library. See “Labeling tape cartridges” on page
The I/O station
If the I/O station is enabled, you can use it to load cartridges into the library. Press the magazine button
for less than 3 seconds and after the button LED is flashing fast, pull out the I/O station.
Dell EMC ML3 Tape Library: User's Guide