Users Guide

Supported Releases 10.2.0E or later
Shapes the outgoing trac rate.
shape {min {kbps | mbps | pps} min-value [burst-size]} {max {kbps | mbps | pps}
max-value [max-burst-size]}
min — Enter the minimum committed rate in unit (kbps, mbps, or pps).
kbps — Enter the committed rate unit in kilobits per second (0 to 40000000).
mbps — Enter the committed rate unit in megabits per second (0 to 40000).
pps — Enter the committed rate unit in packets per second (1 to 268000000).
burst-size — Enter the burst size in kilobytes per packet (0 to 10000 or 1 to 1073000).
max — Enter the maximum peak rate in kbps, mbps, or pps.
max-burst-size — Enter the burst size in kilobytes per packets (0 to 10000 or 1 to 1073000).
Default Maximum burst size is 50 kb or 200 packets
Usage Information Only the ingress QoS policy type supports this command. You must enter both the minimum and maximum values.
If you enter the rate value in pps, the burst provided is in packets. If you enter the rate in kbps or mbps, the burst is
provided in kb. If you enter the minimum rate in pps, you must also enter the maximum rate in pps.
OS10(conf-pmap-c-que)# shape min kbps 11 max kbps 44
Supported Releases 10.2.0E or later
show class-map
Displays conguration details of all existing class-maps.
show class-map [type {control-plane | qos | queuing | network-qos} class-map-
type — Enter the policy-map type (qos, queuing, or control-plane).
qos — Displays all policy-maps of qos type.
queuing — Displays all policy-maps of queuing type.
network-qos — Displays all policy-maps of network-qos type.
control-plane — Displays all policy-maps of control-plane type.
class-map-name — Displays the QoS class-map name.
Default Not congured
Command Mode EXEC
Usage Information This command displays all class-maps of qos, queuing, network-qos, or control-plane type. The
class-map-name parameter displays all details of a congured class-map name.
Quality of service 609