Users Guide

Table Of Contents
Table 37. activate API
API Name Description
Activates the newly installed OS10 image.
Activation is a two stage process. In the first stage, the boot partition is set to standby for
subsequent boot cycles. In the second stage, a system reload is issued to boot the newly installed
OS10 image from the standby partition. The activate-image operation requires a system reload. As a
result, the current services are affected.
Table 38. cancel_upgrade API
API Name Description
Cancels an active OS10 image download process.
The cancel_upgrade process uses a best effort mechanism that attempts to cancel an active image
file download. This operation cancels the image file transfer and the upgrade operation is terminated.
The image installation process starts immediately after the image file transfer is complete. As a result,
the cancel upgrade operation cannot stop an installation that is already in progress.
Table 39. get_upgrade_status API
API Name Description
Monitors status of the image file transfer and installation operations.
This operation returns the following details to the SmartFabric Director server:
File transfer state
Transfer progress percentage
Image installation state
File transfer progress
File size
File transfer bytes
File transfer rate
Transfer task end time
Transfer task start time
Transfer task state download
Transfer task detail
Installation global state
Install task end time
Install task start time
Install task state
Install task state detail
SmartFabric Director commands
Sets the operating mode of the switch to the SmartFabric Director mode.
switch-operating-mode Full-Switch
Parameters Full-Switch Sets the operating mode to Full-Switch.
Default Not configured
Command mode CONFIGURATION Mode
SmartFabric Director 149