Users Guide

Table Of Contents
Table 43. Time zones and UTC offset
Continent/Country City UTC offset
Santarem 03:00
Santiago 04:00
Santo_Domingo 04:00
Sao_Paulo −03:00
Scoresbysund 01:00
Shiprock 07:00
Sitka −09:00
St_Barthelemy 04:00
St_Johns 03:30
St_Kitts −04:00
St_Lucia 04:00
St_Thomas 04:00
St_Vincent 04:00
Swift_Current −06:00
Tegucigalpa 06:00
Thule 04:00
Thunder_Bay 05:00
Tijuana 08:00
Toronto 05:00
Tortola 04:00
Vancouver 08:00
Virgin 04:00
Whitehorse −08:00
Winnipeg 06:00
Yakutat 09:00
Yellowknife 07:00
Antarctica Casey +11:00
Davis +07:00
DumontDUrville +10:00
Macquarie +11:00
Mawson +05:00
McMurdo +12:00
Palmer −03:00
Rothera 03:00
South_Pole +12:00
Syowa +03:00
Troll +00:00
180 System management