Users Guide

Table Of Contents
Install OS10 upgrade
After you download and unpack a new OS10 binary image as described in Download OS10 image for upgrade, follow these steps:
NOTE: During the OS10 image upgrade process in a VLT setup, when the VLT peers are running different software
versions, make no configuration changes on a VLT peer. Ensure that both nodes are upgraded to the same version before
you make any configuration change.
NOTE: On an MX-Series I/O module, install OS10 upgrades in downloaded DUP files by following the instructions in the Dell
EMC SmartFabric OS10 Release NotesRelease 10.5.0.
1. (Optional) Back up the current running configuration to the startup configuration in EXEC mode.
OS10# copy running-configuration startup-configuration
2. Back up the startup configuration (startup.xml) in EXEC mode.
OS10# copy config://startup.xml config://backup_filepath
3. Download the new OS10 binary image from a local server using the image download server-filepath/filename
command in EXEC mode; for example:
OS10# image download sftp://admin:passwd@
4. (Optional) View the current software download status in EXEC mode.
OS10# show image status
5. Install the OS10 image in the standby partition using the image install file-url command in EXEC mode, where
filename is the name of the image file downloaded in Step 3 with the image download command; for example:
OS10# image install image://OS10EE.bin
OS10 has two partitions: A and B. One partition is active, which is the current running version and used as the
running software at the next system reload. The other partition remains standby, which is the partition where software
upgrades are installed.
The image install command installs the downloaded image to the standby partition. If the active partition contains any
modified text files or installed custom packages, they would not be available in the standby partition. Back up the modified
files and re-install the packages after downloading the image.
On an MX9116n Fabric Switching Engine and MX5108n Ethernet Switch, if you install an OS10 image using a
DUP file, all firmware components are upgraded. The firmware upgrade is stored as a pending installation until you reload
the switch. To view the contents of the firmware upgrade, use the show image firmware command.
6. (Optional) View the status of the software installation in EXEC mode.
OS10# show image status
7. Change the next boot partition to the standby partition where the downloaded OS10 image is stored in EXEC mode.
OS10# boot system standby
8. (Optional) Verify that the next boot partition has changed to standby in EXEC mode; for example:
OS10# show boot
Current system image information:
Type Boot Type Active Standby Next-Boot
Node-id 1 Flash Boot [B] [A] [B] active
OS10# show boot detail
Current system image information detail:
Type: Node-id 1
Boot Type: Flash Boot
Active Partition: B
Getting Started with Dell EMC SmartFabric OS10