API Guide

6. Configure the gRPC transport protocol used to stream data to a destination in SUBSCRIPTION-PROFILE mode. gRPC with
Transport Security Layer (TLS) certificates enabled is the default transport protocol. To disable TLS certificate exchange,
use the transport grpc no-tls command.
OS10(conf-telemetry-sp-subscription)# transport protocol [no-tls]
After you configure a subscription profile, the telemetry agent starts collecting data and streaming it to destination devices.
View telemetry configuration
Use the following show commands to display telemetry configuration.
OS10# show telemetry
Telemetry Status : enabled
-- Telemetry Destination Groups --
Group : dest1
Destination : Port : 40001
-- Telemetry Sensor Groups --
Group : bgp
Sensor Path : bgp/bgp-oper/bgpPrfxCntrsEntry
Sensor Path : bgp/bgp-oper/bgpPeerCount
Group : bgp-peer
Sensor Path : infra-bgp/peer-state/peer-status
Group : buffer
Sensor Path : base-qos/queue-stat
Sensor Path : base-qos/priority-group-stat
Sensor Path : base-qos/buffer-pool-stat
Sensor Path : base-qos/buffer-pool
Group : device
Sensor Path : base-pas/chassis
Sensor Path : base-pas/card
Sensor Path : base-switch/switching-entities/switch-stats
Group : environment
Sensor Path : base-pas/entity
Sensor Path : base-pas/psu
Sensor Path : base-pas/fan-tray
Sensor Path : base-pas/fan
Sensor Path : base-pas/led
Sensor Path : base-pas/temperature
Sensor Path : base-pas/temp_threshold
Sensor Path : base-pas/media
Sensor Path : base-pas/media-channel
Group : interface
Sensor Path : if/interfaces-state/interface/statistics
Sensor Path : dell-base-if-cmn/if/interfaces-state/interface
Group : lag
Sensor Path : dell-base-if-cmn/if/interfaces
Group : system
Sensor Path : system-status/current-status
-- Telemetry Subscription Profiles --
Name : subscription-1
Destination Groups(s) : dest1
Sensor-group Sample-interval
bgp 300000
bgp-peer 0
buffer 15000
device 300000
environment 300000
interface 180000
lag 0
system 300000