Users Guide

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Usage Information This command changes the LOCAL_PREF attribute for routes meeting the route map criteria. To change the
LOCAL_PREF for all routes, use the bgp default local-preference command. The no version of this
command removes the LOCAL_PREF attribute.
OS10(conf-route-map)# set local-preference 200
10.2.0E or later
set metric
Set a metric value for a routing protocol.
set metric [+ | -] metric-value
+ — (Optional) Add a metric value to the redistributed routes.
- — (Optional) Subtract a metric value from the redistributed routes.
metric-value — Enter a new metric value, from 0 to 4294967295.
Default Not configured
Command Mode ROUTE-MAP
Usage Information To establish an absolute metric, do not enter a plus or minus sign before the metric value. To establish a relative
metric, enter a plus or minus sign immediately preceding the metric value. The value is added to or subtracted
from the metric of any routes matching the route map. You cannot use both an absolute metric and a relative
metric within the same route map sequence. Setting either metric overrides any previously configured value. The
no version of this command removes the filter.
OS10(conf-route-map)# set metric 10
OS10(conf-route-map)# set metric -25
10.2.0E or later
set metric-type
Set the metric type for the a redistributed routel.
set metric-type {type-1 | type-2 | external}
type-1 — Adds a route to an existing community.
type-2 — Sends a route in the local AS.
external — Disables advertisement to peers.
Default Not configured
Command Mode ROUTE-MAP
Usage Information
Affects BGP behavior only in outbound route maps and has no effect on other types of route maps. If the
route map contains both a set metric-type and a set metric clause, the set metric clause takes
precedence. If you enter the internal metric type in a BGP outbound route map, BGP sets the MED of the
advertised routes to the IGP cost of the next hop of the advertised route. If the cost of the next hop changes,
BGP is not forced to readvertise the route.
external — Reverts to the normal BGP rules for propagating the MED, the default.
internal — Sets the MED of a received route that is being propagated to an external peer equal to the
IGP costs of the indirect next hop.
1086 Access Control Lists