Users Guide

Table Of Contents
qos — Enter a qos type class-map.
queuing — Enter a queueing type class-map.
control-plane — Enter a control-plane type class-map.
match-all — Determines how packets are evaluated when multiple match criteria exist. Enter the keyword
to determine that all packets must meet the match criteria to be assigned to a class.
match-any — Determines how packets are evaluated when multiple match criteria exist. Enter the keyword
to determine that packets must meet at least one of the match criteria to be assigned to a class.
class-map-name — Enter a class-map name. A maximum of 32 characters.
qos — class-map type
match-any — class-map filter
Command Mode CLASS-MAP-QOS
Usage Information Apply match-any or match-all class-map filters to control-plane, qos, and queuing type class-maps.
OS10(config)# class-map type qos match-all c1
Command History 10.2.0E or later
clear qos statistics
Clears all QoS-related statistics in the system, including PFC counters.
clear qos statistics
Parameters None
Default Not configured
Command Mode EXEC
Usage Information None
OS10# clear qos statistics
10.2.0E or later
clear qos statistics type
Clears all queue counters, including PFC, for control-plane, qos, and queueing.
clear qos statistics type {{qos | queuing | control-plane | buffer-statistics-
tracking} [interface ethernet node/slot/port[:subport]]}
qos—Clears qos type statistics.
queuing—Clears queueing type statistics.
control-plane—Clears control-plane type statistics.
buffer-statistics-tracking—Clears the peak buffer usage count statistics on all interfaces and
service pools.
NOTE: This command does not clear the ingress service-pool statistics on the Z9100-ON
interface ethernet node-id/slot/port-id [:subport] — Clears QoS statistics for an
Ethernet interface configured for
qos, queuing, or control-plane.
Default Not configured
Command Mode EXEC
Usage Information None
1130 Quality of service