Users Guide

Table Of Contents
Disable console logging, and reset the minimum logging severity to the default in CONFIGURATION mode.
no logging console severity
Disable log-file logging, and reset the minimum logging severity to the default in CONFIGURATION mode.
no logging log-file severity
Disable monitor logging, and reset the minimum logging severity to the default in CONFIGURATION mode.
no logging monitor severity
Disable server logging, and reset the minimum logging severity to the default in CONFIGURATION mode.
no logging server severity
Re-enable any logging command in CONFIGURATION mode.
no logging enable
Enable server logging for log notice
OS10(config)# logging server severity log-notice
System logging over TLS
To provide enhanced security and privacy in the logged system messages sent to a syslog server, you can use the Transport Layer
Security (TLS) protocol. System logging over TLS encrypts communication between an OS10 switch and a configured remote logging
sever, including:
Performing mutual authentication of a client and server using public key infrastructure (PKI) certificates
Encrypting the entire authentication exchange so that neither user ID nor password is vulnerable to discovery, and that the data is not
modified during transport
Confguration notes
System logging over TLS requires that:
X.509v3 PKI certificates are configured on a certification authority (CA) and installed on the switch. Both the switch and syslog server
exchange a public key in a signed X.509v3 certificate to authenticate each other. For more information, see X.509v3 certificates.
You configure a security profile for system logging as described in Security profiles.
Configure system logging over TLS
1. Copy an X.509v3 certificate created by a CA server using a secure method, such as SCP or HTTPS, as described in Manage CA
certificates. Then install the trusted CA certificate in EXEC mode.
crypto ca-cert install ca-cert-filepath [filename]
ca-cert-filepath specifies the local path to the downloaded certificate; for example, home://CAcert.pem or
filename specifies an optional filename that the certificate is stored under in the OS10 trust-store directory. Enter the filename
in the filename.crt format.
2. Obtain an X.509v3 host certificate from the CA server as described in Request and install host certificates:
a. Create a private key and generate a certificate signing request for the switch.
b. Copy the CSR file to the CA server for signing.
c. Copy the CA-signed certificate to the home directory on the switch.
d. Install the host certificate:
crypto cert install cert-file home://cert-filepath key-file {key-path | private}
[password passphrase] [fips]
When you install an X.509v3 certificate-key pair:
Troubleshoot OS10