Users Guide

Table Of Contents
Command Description
show mac address-table count nve {remote-vtep ip-
address | vxlan-vni vn-id}
Displays the number of MAC addresses learned for a virtual
network or from a remote VTEP.
remote-vtep ip-address: Displays the number of MAC
addresses learned on the specified remote VTEP.
vxlan-vni vn-id: Displays the number of MAC addresses
learned on the specified VXLAN virtual network.
show mac address-table count extended [interface
ethernet node/slot/port:subport | port-channel
Displays the number of MAC addresses learned on all VLANs
and VXLAN virtual networks.
interface ethernet node/slot/port:subport:
Displays the number of MAC addresses learned from VLANs
and VXLANs on the specified interface.
port-channel number: Displays the number of MAC
addresses learned from VLANs and VXLANs on the specified
port channel.
Clear VXLAN MAC addresses
Table 48. Clear VXLAN MAC addresses
Command Description
clear mac address-table dynamic virtual-network
[interface {ethernet node/slot/port:subport |
port-channel number} | local | vn-id [address mac-
address | local]]
Clears all MAC addresses learned on all VXLAN virtual
interface ethernet node/slot/port:subport:
Clears only MAC addresses learned on the specified interface.
interface port-channel number: Clears only MAC
addresses learned on the specified port channel.
local: Clears only locally-learned MAC addresses.
vn-id: Clears only the MAC addresses learned on the
specified virtual network.
vn-id address mac-address: Clears only the MAC
address learned on the specified virtual network.
clear mac address-table dynamic nve remote-vtep
Clears all MAC addresses learned from the specified remote
VXLAN commands
hardware overlay-routing-profile
Configures the number of reserved ARP table entries for VXLAN overlay routing.
hardware overlay-routing-profile {balanced-overlay-routing | scaled-overlay-
routing | disable-overlay-routing}
Reserve routing entries for balanced VXLAN tenant routing:
S4048T-ON and S6010-ON: 24576 entries
S4100-ON series: 16384 entries
S5200-ON series switches: 32768 entries
Reserve routing entries for scaled VXLAN tenant routing:
S4048T-ON and S6010-ON: 36864 entries
S4100-ON series: 24576 entries