Users Guide

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OS10(config)# alias mTest
OS10(config-alias-mTest)# line 1 "interface $1 $2"
OS10(config-alias-mTest)# line 2 "no shutdown"
OS10(config-alias-mTest)# line 3 "show configuration"
10.4.0E(R1) or later
show alias
Displays configured alias commands available in both Persistent and Non-Persistent modes.
show alias [brief | detail]
brief — Displays brief information of the aliases.
detail — Displays detailed information of the aliases.
Default None
Command Mode EXEC
Usage Information None
OS10# show alias
Name Type
---- ----
govlt Config
goint Config
mTest Config
shconfig Local
showint Local
shver Local
Number of config aliases : 3
Number of local aliases : 3
Example (brief —
displays the first
10 characters of
the alias value))
OS10# show alias brief
Name Type Value
---- ---- -----
govlt Config "vlt-domain..."
goint Config "interface ..."
mTest Config line 1 "interface ..."
line 2 "no shutdow..."
line 3 "show confi..."
default 1 "ethernet"
default 2 "1/1/1"
shconfig Local "show runni..."
showint Local "show inter..."
shver Local "show versi..."
Number of config aliases : 3
Number of local aliases : 3
Example (detail —
displays the entire
alias value)
OS10# show alias detail
Name Type Value
---- ---- -----
govlt Config "vlt-domain $1"
goint Config "interface ethernet $1"
mTest Config line 1 "interface $1 $2"
line 2 "no shutdown"
line 3 "show configuration"
default 1 "ethernet"
default 2 "1/1/1"
shconfig Local "show running-configuration"
showint Local "show interface $*"
shver Local "show version"
92 Advanced CLI tasks