Users Guide

Table Of Contents
Disable strong password check
OS10(config)# password-attributes min-length 7 character-restriction upper 4 numeric 2
OS10(config)# username admin2 password 4newhire4 role sysadmin
%Error: Password fail: it does not contain enough DIFFERENT characters
OS10(config)# enable password 0 4newhire4 priv-lvl 5
%Error: Password it does not contain enough DIFFERENT characters.
OS10(config)# service simple-password
OS10(config)# username admin2 password 4newhire4 role sysadmin
OS10(config)# enable password 0 4newhire4 priv-lvl 5
Re-enable strong password check
OS10(config)# no service simple-password
Simple password check
By default, OS10 uses a strong password check when you configure user name passwords with the username username password
password role role [priv-lvl privilege-level] command.
To turn off the strong password check and configure simpler passwords with no restrictions, use the service simple-password
To disable the simple password check and return to the default strong password check, use the no service simple-password
Enter the command in CONFIGURATION mode.
service simple-password
Enable simple password check
OS10(config)# username abhishek password madmiamadam role sysadmin
%Error: Password fail: it does not contain enough DIFFERENT characters
OS10(config)# service simple-password
OS10(config)# username abhishek password madmiamadam role sysadmin
Obscure passwords
To obscure passwords in show command output so that text characters do not display, use the service obscure-password
command. The command obscures the passwords configured for user names, NTP, BGP, SNMP, RADIUS servers, and TACACS+ servers.
To disable the obscure passwords function, use the no service obscure-password command.
Enter the command in CONFIGURATION mode.
service obscure-password
Obscure OS10 passwords
OS10(config)# service obscure-password
OS10(config)# show running-configuration users
username admin password **** role sysadmin priv-lvl 15
username test1 password **** role sysadmin priv-lvl 15
OS10(config)# show running-configuration radius-server
radius-server host key 9 ****
OS10(config)# show running-configuration tacacs-server
tacacs-server host auth-port 7777 key 9 ****
Disable obscure passwords
OS10(config)# no service obscure-password