Users Guide

Table Of Contents
Default The SSH server uses default public key lengths for client authentication:
RSA key: 2048 bits
ECDSA key : 256 bits
Ed25519 key: 256 bits
Command Mode EXEC
Usage Information If necessary, you can regenerate the public keys used by the SSH server with a customized bit size. You cannot
change the default size of the Ed25519 key. The crypto ssh-key generate command is available only to
the sysadmin and secadmin roles.
OS10# crypto ssh-key generate rsa 4096
Host key already exists. Overwrite [confirm yes/no]:yes
Generated 4096-bit RSA key
Releases or later
Lowers the privilege level.
disable privilege-level
privilege-level—Enter the privilege level, from 0 to 15.
Defaults 1
Command Mode Privileged EXEC
Usage Information
If you do not specify a privilege level, the system assigns level 1.
OS10# disable
OS10# disable 6
Releases or later
Enables a specific privilege level.
enable privilege-level
privilege-level—Enter the configured privilege level, from 0 to 15.
Defaults 15
Command Mode Exec
Usage Information
Dell EMC Networking recommends configuring a password for privilege level 15 using the enable password
command. If you do not configure a password for a level, you can switch to that level without entering a
password, unless a password is configured for a highest intermediate level. If you configure a password for an
intermediate level, enter that password when prompted. To access privilege level 15, you must configure the
enable password command. If you do not configure a password for privilege level 15, you cannot enter level
15. For privilege levels 0 to 14, the enable password command is optional.
Privilege levels inherit all permitted commands from all lower levels. For example, if you log in to privilege level 10
using the
enable 10 command, all commands that are assigned to privilege level 10 and lower are available for
940 Security