Users Guide

vlan — Enter the keyword and VLAN number (1 to 4093).
loopback — Enter the keyword and number (0 to 16383).
mgmt — Enter the keyword and node/slot/port information (default 1/1/1).
Congure source IP address
OS10(config)# ntp source ethernet 1/1/10
View source IP conguration
OS10(config)# do show running-configuration | grep source
ntp source ethernet1/1/1
NTP authentication and the corresponding trusted key provide a reliable exchange of NTP packets with trusted time sources. NTP
authentication begins with the creation of the rst NTP packet after key conguration. NTP authentication uses the message digest 5
(MD5) algorithm. The key is embedded in the synchronization packet that is sent to an NTP time source.
1 Enable NTP authentication in CONFIGURATION mode.
ntp authenticate
2 Set an authentication key number and key in CONFIGURATION mode (1 to 4294967295).
ntp authentication-key number md5 key
The number must match in the ntp trusted-key command.
The key is an encrypted string.
3 Dene a trusted key in CONFIGURATION mode (1 to 4294967295). The number must match in the ntp trusted-key command.
ntp trusted-key number
4 Congure an NTP server in CONFIGURATION mode.
ntp server {hostname | ipv4-address | ipv6-address} [key keyid] [prefer]
hostname — Enter the keyword to see the IP address or host name of the remote device.
ipv4-address — Enter an IPv4 address in A.B.C.D format.
ipv6-address — Enter an IPv6 address in nnnn:nnnn:nnnn:nnnn:nnnn:nnnn:nnnn:nnnn format (elision of zeros is supported).
key keyid — Enter a text string as the key exchanged between the NTP server and the client.
prefer — Enter the keyword to set this NTP server as the preferred server.
5 Congure the NTP master and enter the stratum number that identies the NTP server hierarchy in CONFIGURATION mode (2 to 10,
default 8).
ntp master <2–10>
Congure NTP
OS10(config)# ntp authenticate
OS10(config)# ntp trusted-key 345
OS10(config)# ntp authentication-key 345 mdf 0 5A60910FED211F02
OS10(config)# ntp server key 345
OS10(config)# ntp master 7
View NTP conguration
OS10(config)# do show running-configuration
ntp authenticate
ntp authentication-key 345 mdf 0 5A60910FED211F02
ntp server key 345
ntp trusted-key 345
ntp master 7
System management