Users Guide

Table Of Contents
rest https cipher-suite
rest api restconf
RESTCONF API configuration
OS10(config)# rest https server-certificate name
OS10(config)# rest https session timeout 60
OS10(config)# rest https cipher-suite dhe-rsa-with-aes-128-gcm-SHA256
dhe-rsa-with-aes-256-gcm-SHA384 ecdhe-rsa-with-aes-256-gcm-SHA384
OS10(config)# rest api restconf
RESTCONF request of CLI command
OS10 enables you to find equivalent RESTCONF requests of the CLI commands. The cli mode rest-translate command
enables the CLI-RESTCONF translation mode in the current session.
when the CLI commands run in the translation mode, the console displays the equivalent RESTCONF requests (CURL
commands). You can use the CURL command with minimal modifications to the following:
$USER_NAME - username of any CLI user account
$PASSWORD - password of the CLI user account
$MGMT_IP - management IP address
The CURL commands for the CLI commands are appended to the file.
The show cli mode command displays the file name and path, which stores the translated RESTCONF requests. The file is
available only during active CLI session. The show command also displays the current CLI mode (netconf/REST-TRANSLATE).
When the session is in the translation mode, the prompt changes to REST-TRANSLATE-<hostname>.
REST-TRANSLATE-OS10# show cli mode
Current CLI session mode : rest-translate
Translated requests are available as supportbundle://restconf_requests_4105.txt
You can use the standard copy command to download the translated RESTCONF requests from OS10.
copy supportbundle://restconf_requests.txt <remote-file>
Use the CLI batch mode to translate multiple CLI commands to their equivalent RESTCONF requests.
batch <batch options>
The no cli mode command disables the RESTCONF translation mode and changes the CLI session into a normal mode
(including the CLI prompt).
PATCH to POST operation
If a PATCH request fails with an unknown-resource-instance error message when a PATCH request is made to a
non-existing object, perform POST. To configure the PATCH:
Change the operation from PATCH to POST .
Change the URI as /restconf/data.
The following is an example of a PATCH and POST request:
PATCH request
curl -i -k -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/
json" -u $USER_NAME:$PASSWORD -d '{"dell-diffserv-classifier:classifier-entry":
[{"name":"test","mtype":"qos","match":"match-any"}]}' -X PATCH https://$MGMT_IP/restconf/