Users Guide

Table Of Contents
docker pull nginx:latest
NOTE: Docker downloads the latest image if you do not specify the image file name.
To pull a Docker image from a private repository:
docker pull private-repository-URL
View installed local images
Use one of the following commands:
docker images
docker image ls
docker image inspect node:latest
Remove installed local images
Remove the Puppet Agent image:
docker image rm puppet-agent
Remove the nginx image with the latest tag:
docker image rm nginx:latest
Install and start images
Create a container with the latest image in the host network namespace:
docker run -d --net=host --name mynode node
Create a container with the stretch image in the host network namespace:
docker run -d --net=host --name strnode node:stretch
Create a container with the Puppet Agent image in the host network namespace:
docker run -d --net=host --name mypuppet puppet-agent
Start an existing container:
docker start --name container-name
Stop a running existing container:
docker stop --name container-name
Open an interactive terminal inside a container:
docker exec -it --name container-name
Manage volumes
Create a Docker volume:
docker volume create volume-name
Run a Docker in a particular volume mapped to "/work" inside the container:
docker run -d -it -v workvol1:/work puppet-agent /bin/bash
System management