API Guide

key-file {key-path | private}Enter the local path where the downloaded or locally generated private key is
stored. If the key was downloaded to a remote server, enter the server path using a secure method, such as HTTPS,
SCP, or SFTP. Enter private to store the key in a local hidden location.
country 2-letter-code(OPTIONAL) Enter the two-letter code that identifies the country.
state stateEnter the name of the state.
locality cityEnter the name of the city.
organization organization-nameEnter the name of the organization.
orgunit unit-nameEnter name of the unit.
cname common-nameEnter the common name assigned to the certificate. Common name is the main identity
presented to connecting devices. By default, the hostname of the switch is the common name. You can configure a
different common name for the switch; for example, an IP address. If the common-name value does not match the
identity of the device, a signed certificate does not validate.
email email-addressEnter a valid email address used to communicate with the organization.
validity daysEnter the number of days that the certificate is valid. For a CSR, validity has no effect. For a self-
signed certificate, the default is 3650 days or 10 years.
length bit-lengthEnter a bit value for the keyword length. For FIPS mode, the range is from 2048 to 4096; for
non-FIPS mode, the range is from 1024 to 4096. The default key length for both FIPS and non-FIPS mode is 2048 bits.
The minimum key length value for FIPS mode is 2048 bits. The minimum key length value for non-FIPS mode is 1024 bits.
altname altnameEnter an alternate name for the organization; for example, using the IP address such as altname
Copy CSR to the CA server.
OS10# copy home://DellHost.pem scp:///file-path/DellHost.pem
The CA server signs the CSR with its private key. The CA server then makes the signed certificate available for the OS10
switch to download and install it.
Install host certificate.
Use the copy command to download an X.509v3 certificate signed by a CA server to the local home directory using a
secure method, such as HTTPS, SCP, or SFTP.
Use the crypto cert install command to install the certificate and the private key generated with the CSR.
crypto cert install cert-file home://cert-filepath key-file {key-path | private}
[password passphrase] [fips]
Generate a certificate signing request and private key
OS10# crypto cert generate request cert-file home://DellHost.pem key-file home://
email admin@dell.com length 1024 altname DNS:dell.domain.com
Processing certificate ...
Successfully created CSR file /home/admin/DellHost.pem and key
OS10# copy home://DellHost.pem scp:///tftpuser@
OS10# copy scp:///tftpuser@ home://
OS10# copy scp:///tftpuser@ home://
OS10# crypto cert install cert-file home://Dell_host1_CA1.pem key-file home://
Processing certificate ...
Certificate and keys were successfully installed as "Dell_host1_CA1.pem" that may be
used in a
security profile. CN = Dell_host1_CA1
Display trusted certificates
OS10 security best practices