Users Guide

Table Of Contents
There is no default user role.
The default privilege levels are level 1 for netoperator, and level 15 for sysadmin, secadmin, and
By default, the password must be at least nine alphanumeric characters. Only the following special
characters are supported:
! # % & ' ( ) ; < = > [ ] * + - . / : ^ _
Enter the password in clear text. It is converted to SHA-512 format in the running configuration. For
backward compatibility with OS10 releases 10.3.1E and earlier, passwords entered in MD-5, SHA-256, and
SHA-512 format are supported.
You cannot assign a privilege level higher than privilege level 1 to a user with the netoperator role and
higher than privilege level 2 for a sysadmin, secadmin, and netadmin roles.
To increase the required password strength, use the password-attributes command. The no
version of this command deletes the authentication for a user.
Supported on the MX9116n and MX5108n switches in Full Switch mode starting in release 10.4.0E(R3S).
Also supported in SmartFabric mode starting in release
OS10(config)# username user05 password newpwd404 role sysadmin priv-lvl
10.2.0E or later
Authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) services secure networks against unauthorized access. In addition to local
authentication, OS10 supports remote authentication dial-in user service (RADIUS) and terminal access controller access control
system (TACACS+) client/server authentication systems. For RADIUS and TACACS+, an OS10 switch acts as a client and sends
authentication requests to a server that contains all user authentication and network service access information.
A RADIUS or TACACS+ server provides: authentication of user credentials, authorization using role-based permissions, and
accounting services. You can configure the security protocol used for different login methods and users. RADIUS provides
limited authorization and accounting services compared to TACACS+. If you use a RADIUS or TACACS+ security server,
configure the required security parameters on the server by following the procedures in the server documentation.
AAA configuration
On the switch, AAA configuration consists of setting up access control and accounting services:
1. Configure the authentication methods used to allow access to the switch.
2. Configure the level of command authorization for authenticated users.
3. Configure security settings for user sessions.
4. Enable AAA accounting.
AAA authentication
An OS10 switch uses a list of authentication methods to define the types of authentication and the sequence in which they
apply. By default, OS10 uses only the local authentication method.
The authentication methods in the method list execute in the order you configure them. Re-enter the methods to change the
order. The local authentication method remains enabled even if you remove all configured methods in the list using the no
aaa authentication login {console | default} command.
If you configure multiple authentication methods on Dell EMC PowerEdge MX7000 Ethernet switchesMX9116n
Fabric Switching Engine and MX5108n Ethernet Switchoperating in SmartFabric mode, you must configure local
authentication as the first method in the list.
1124 Security