Users Guide

Table Of Contents
-i interval (Optional) Enter the interval in seconds to wait between sending each packet, the
default is 1 second.
-I interface-name or interface-ip-address (Optional) Enter the source interface
name without spaces or the interface IP address:
For a physical Ethernet interface, enter ethernetnode/slot/port; for example,
For a VLAN interface, enter vlanvlan-id; for example, vlan10.
For a Loopback interface, enter loopbackid; for example, loopback1.
For a port-channel interface, enter port-channelchannel-id; for example, port-channel.
-l preload (Optional) Enter the number of packets that ping sends before waiting for a reply.
Only a super user may preload more than three.
-L (Optional) Suppress the Loopback of multicast packets for a multicast target address.
-m mark (Optional) Tags the packets sent to ping a remote device. Use this option with policy
-M pmtudisc_option (Optional) Enter the path MTU (PMTU) discovery strategy:
do prevents fragmentation, including local.
want performs PMTU discovery and fragments large packets locally.
dont does not set the Dont Fragment (DF) flag.
-p pattern (Optional) Enter a maximum of 16 pad bytes to fill out the packet you send to
diagnose data-related problems in the network; for example, -p ff fills the sent packet with all 1s.
-Q tos (Optional) Enter a maximum of 1500 bytes in decimal or hex datagrams to set quality of
service (QoS)-related bits.
-s packetsize (Optional) Enter the number of data bytes to send, from 1 to 65468, default 56.
-S sndbuf (Optional) Set the sndbuf socket. By default, the sndbuf socket buffers one packet
-t ttl (Optional) Enter the IPv4 time-to-live (TTL) value in seconds.
-T timestamp option (Optional) Set special IP timestamp options. Valid values for timestamp
option tsonly (only timestamps), tsandaddr (timestamps and addresses), or tsprespec
host1 [host2 [host3 [host4]]] (timestamp pre-specified hops).
-v (Optional) Verbose output.
-V (Optional) Display the version and exit.
-w deadline (Optional) Enter the time-out value in seconds before the ping exits regardless of
how many packets send or receive.
-W timeout (Optional) Enter the time to wait for a response in seconds. This setting affects the
time-out only if there is no response, otherwise ping waits for two round-trip times (RTTs).
hop1 ... (Optional) Enter the IPv4 addresses of the pre-specified hops for the ping packet to take.
destination Enter the IP address you are testing connectivity on.
Not configured
Command Mode EXEC
This command uses an ICMP ECHO_REQUEST datagram to receive an ICMP ECHO_RESPONSE from a
network host or gateway. Each ping packet has an IPv4 and ICMP header, then a time value and a
number of ''pad'' bytes used to fill out the packet. A ping operation sends a packet to a specified IP
address and then measures the time that it takes to get a response from the address or device.
If the destination IP address is active, replies are sent back from the server including the IP address,
number of bytes sent, lapse time in milliseconds, and TTL, which is the number of hops back from the
source to the destination.
When you use the -I option and enter an IP address, OS10 considers it as the source address. If you use
an interface name instead of the IP address, OS10 considers it as the egress interface.
With the -I option, if you ping a reachable IP address using the IP address of a loopback interface as the
source interface, the ping succeeds. However, if you ping a reachable IP address using the name of the
loopback interface as the source interface, the ping fails. This is because the system considers the
loopback interface as the egress interface.
CLI Basics 73