User Guide

Configure file interfaces for a NAS Server
You can configure the file interfaces for a NAS server after the server has been added to PowerStore.
About this task
You can add more file interfaces, and define which is the preferred interface to use. Also, you can define which interface to use
for production and backup, or for IPv4, or IPv6.
1. Select Storage > NAS Servers > [nas server].
2. On the Network page, click Add to add another file interface to the NAS server.
3. Enter the File Interface properties.
NOTE: You cannot reuse VLANs that are being used for the management and storage networks.
4. You can perform the following on a File Interface by selecting a file interface from the list. Click:
Option Description
Modify To change the properties of the file interface properties.
Delete To delete the file interface from the NAS server.
Ping To test the connectivity from the NAS server to the external IP address.
To define which interface PowerStore should default to using when multiple production and backup
interfaces have been defined.
Configure routes for the file interface for external connections
You can configure the routes that the file system uses for external connections.
You can use the Ping option from the File Interface card to determine if the file interface has access to the external resource.
About this task
Usually, the NAS server interfaces are configured with a default gateway, which is used to route requests from the NAS server
interface to external services.
Use the following steps:
If you need to configure more granular routes to external services.
To add a route to access a server from a specific interface through a specific gateway.
1. Select Storage > NAS Servers > [nas server] > Network > Routes to External Services.
2. Click Add to enter the route information in the Add Route wizard.
Additional NAS Server Features 13