User Guide

NAS Server replication
This chapter contains the following information:
PowerStore enables you to replicate NAS servers asynchronously between a local system and a remote system. Replication
occurs at a NAS server level - all the file systems within the replicated NAS server are replicated to the remote system. RPO is
configured at the NAS server level and is identical across all associated file systems.
It is not required to define separate protection policies for NAS servers. The same protection policies can be applied to both
block and file replication.
You can fail over a replication session to the remote system. Failover occurs for all the file systems within the failed over NAS
The following pre-requisites are required to enable file replication:
A file remote system
A File Moblility network must be configured and mapped (see Networking Guide for PowerStore T models on the
PowerStore Documentation page at
A protection policy that includes a replication rule.
For detailed information about NAS server replication procedures, see Protecting your Data on the PowerStore Documentation
page at
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