Administrator Guide

Using the CLI 252
When finished, exit the session with the quit or exit command.
The switch can be managed over a direct connection to the switch console
port or through a Telnet connection. If access is through a Telnet connection,
the switch must have a defined IP address, corresponding management access
granted, and a connection to the network.
Using CLI Functions and Tools
The CLI has been designed to manage the switch’s configuration file system
and to manage switch security. A number of resident tools exist to support
these and other functions.
Configuration Management
All managed systems have software images and databases that must be
configured, backed up and restored. Two software images may be stored on
the system, but only one of them is active. The other one is a backup image.
The same is true for configuration files, which store the configuration
parameters for the switch. The system has three configuration files. One file is
a memory-only file and is the current configuration file for the switch. The
second file is the one that is loaded by the system when it reboots. There is
one backup configuration file. The system also provides methods to back up
these files to a remote system.
File System Commands
All files are stored in a file system. The commands shown in Table 2-6 are
used to perform operations on these files.
Table 2-6. File System Commands
Command Description
delete file Deletes file.
filedescr file description Adds a description to a file (up to 128
characters can be used).
copy source destination Copies a file from source file to destination