Users Guide

Switch Management Commands 2006
ipv6 dhcp relay
Use the ipv6 dhcp relay command in Interface Configuration mode to
configure an interface for DHCPv6 relay functionality.
ipv6 dhcp relay {destination relay-address [interface vlan vlan-id] | interface
vlan vlan-id} | remote-id {duid-ifid | user-defined-string}
no ipv6 dhcp relay
destination — Keyword that sets the relay server IPv6 address.
relay-address — An IPv6 address of a DHCPv6 relay server.
interface — Sets the relay server interface.
vlan-id — A valid VLAN ID.
— The Relay Agent
Information Option “remote ID” suboption to be added to relayed
messages. This can either be the special keyword duid-ifid, which causes
the “remote ID” to be derived from the DHCPv6 server DUID and the
relay interface number, or it can be specified as a user-defined string.
Default Configuration
This command has no default configuration.
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (VLAN, Tunnel) mode
User Guidelines
The IPv6 DHCP service must be enabled to use this feature. Enable the IPv6
DHCP service using the service dhcpv6 command.
An IP interface (VLAN) may be configured in DHCP relay mode or server
mode. Configuring an interface in DHCP relay mode overwrites DHCP server
mode and vice-versa. An IP interface configured in relay mode cannot be
configured as a DHCP client (ip address dhcp).