Users Guide

Table Of Contents
SNMP 529
snmp-server group
groupname {v1 | v2 | v3
{noauth | auth | priv}
[notify view-name]}
[context view-name]
[read view-name] [write
Specify the identity string of the receiver and set the
receiver timeout value.
groupname — Specifies the name of the group. (Range:
1-30 characters.)
v1 — Indicates the SNMP Version 1 security model.
v2 — Indicates the SNMP Version 2 security model.
v3 — Indicates the SNMP Version 3 security model.
noauth — Indicates no authentication of a packet.
Applicable only to the SNMP Version 3 security model.
auth — Indicates authentication of a packet without
encrypting it. Applicable only to the SNMP Version 3
security model.
priv — Indicates authentication of a packet with
encryption. Applicable only to the SNMP Version 3
security model.
view-name — Specifies the view (defined in the previous
step) to use for the context, notification, read, and write
privileges for the group.
read — Enables the agent to view the SNMP MIB
write — Enables the agent to configure the switch MIBs.
Command Purpose