Users Guide

Table Of Contents
360 Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting
Logout Page — If the user logout mode is enabled, this page displays in a
pop-up window after the user successfully authenticates. This window
contains the logout button.
Logout Success Page — If the user logout mode is enabled, this page
displays after a user clicks the logout button and successfully
Understanding User Logout Mode
The User Logout Mode feature allows a user who successfully authenticates
to the network through the CP to explicitly deauthenticate from the network.
When User Logout Mode is disabled or the user does not specifically request
logout, the connection status will remain authenticated until the CP
deauthenticates the user based on the configured session timeout value. In
order for the user logout feature to function properly, the client browser must
have JavaScript enabled an must allow popup windows.
Localizing Captive Portal Pages
The CP localization feature allows you to create up to three language-specific
web pages for each CP as long as all pages use the same verification type;
either guest or authorized user web pages. This allows you to create pages in a
variety of languages to accommodate a diverse group of users.
To customize the pages that the user sees, click the language tab. By default,
the English tab is available. The settings for the Authentication Page display.
Captive Portal IP Address Selection
CP automatically associates with one of the IP addresses assigned to the
switch. The automatic IP address selection algorithm is outlined below:
On switching-only devices or when routing is disabled, CP uses the out-of-
band interface IP address, if available.
If routing is enabled, CP uses a loopback interface if one is defined, and a
routing interface as the second choice.
If routing is enabled and no active routing interface is available, the CP
goes down.
If the CP IP address changes due to administrator action or due to an
interface going down, then the CP is automatically disabled and re-
enabled. All active sessions are dropped.