Users Guide

Table Of Contents
498 SNMP
snmp-server user
username groupname
[remote engineid-string]
[ { authmd5
password | auth-sha
password | auth-md5-
key md5-key | auth-sha-
key sha-key } [priv-des
password | priv-des-key
Configure a new SNMPv3 user.
username — Specifies the name of the user on the host
that connects to the agent. (Range: 1-32 characters.)
groupname — Specifies the name of the group to which
the user belongs. (Range: 1-32 characters.)
engineid-string — Specifies the engine ID of the remote
SNMP entity to which the user belongs. The engine ID is
a concatenated hexadecimal string. Each byte in the
hexadecimal character string is two hexadecimal digits.
The remote engine id designates the remote management
station, and should be defined to enable the device to
receive acknowledgements to “informs.” (Range: 5-32
auth-md5 — The HMAC-MD5-96 authentication level.
auth-sha — The HMAC-SHA-96 authentication level.
password — A password. (Range: 1 to 32 characters.)
auth-md5-key — The HMAC-MD5-96 authentication
level. Enter a pregenerated MD5 key.
auth-sha-key — The HMAC-SHA-96 authentication
level. Enter a pregenerated SHA key.
md5-key — Character string
length 32 hex characters.
sha-key — Character string
length 40 characters.
priv-des — The CBC-DES Symmetric Encryption
privacy level. Enter a password.
priv-des-key — The CBC-DES Symmetric Encryption
privacy level. The user must enter a pregenerated MD5 or
SHA key depending on the authentication level selected.
des-key — A pregenerated DES encryption key. Length is
determined by authentication method selected: 32 hex
characters if MD5 Authentication is selected, 40 hex
characters if SHA Authentication is selected.
exit Exit to Privileged Exec mode.
show snmp views View SNMP view configuration information.
Command Purpose