Users Guide

Table Of Contents
Monitoring Switch Traffic 599
sflow rcvr-index polling
if_type if_number poll-
Enable a new sFlow poller instance on an interface range.
rcvr-index — The sFlow Receiver associated with the
poller (Range: 1–8).
if_type if_number — The list of interfaces to poll. The
interface type can be Gigabitethernet (gi) or
Tengigabitethernet (te), for example te1/0/3-5 enables
polling on ports 3, 4, and 5.
poll-interval — The sFlow instance polling interval. A
value of n means once in n seconds a counter sample is
generated. (Range: 0–86400).
sflow rcvr-index
sampling if_type
if_number sampling-rate
Enable a new sflow sampler instance for the specified
interface range.
rcvr-index — The sFlow Receiver for this sFlow sampler
to which flow samples are to be sent.
if_type if_number — The list of interfaces to sample. The
interface type can be Gigabitethernet (gi) or
Tengigabitethernet (te), for example te1/0/3-5 enables
polling on ports 3, 4, and 5.
sampling-rate — The statistical sampling rate for packet
sampling from this source. A sampling rate of 1 counts all
packets. A value of n means that out of n incoming
packets, 1 packet will be sampled. (Range: 1024 - 65536).
size — The maximum number of bytes that should be
copied from the sampler packet (Range: 20 - 256 bytes).
interface interface Enter interface configuration mode for the specified
interface. The interface variable includes the interface type
and number, for example tengigabitethernet 1/0/3 or
A range of interfaces can be specified using the interface
range command. For example, interface range
tengigabitethernet 1/0/8-12 configures 10G Ethernet
interfaces 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12.
sflow rcvr-index polling
Enable a new sFlow poller instance for the interface.
Command Purpose