Users Guide

Table Of Contents
1736 OpenFlow
Interaction with Other Switch Functions
The Dell EMC Networking OpenFlow Hybrid component interacts with
multiple Dell EMC Networking switch components by either communicating
with these components or sharing common resources with the components.
The following sections describe these interactions.
The OpenFlow component establishes SSL connections to the OpenFlow
controllers and OpenFlow Managers. The total number of switch-initiated
connection depends on the number of configured controllers and managers
and can be in the order of 10 to 20 connections.
The OpenFlow component always initiates the SSL connections and does not
accept SSL connections.
The OpenFlow component makes use of certificate-based authentication,
mutual authentication, and encryption.
IP Stack
The OpenFlow component uses the IP stack for initiating SSL connections
and TCP connections. The administrator can configure whether to connect
to the OpenFlow Controllers using TCP or SSL. The administrator can also
configure the IP port number to use for the connections. By default, the IP
ports are 6632 and 6633.
For debugging, the switch accepts TCP connections to ports 6632 and 6633
when passive mode is enabled. Passive connection mode can be enabled using
the command openflow passive-mode in Global Config mode.
The OpenFlow component dynamically creates VLANs that it detects in the
flow match criteria or the flow VLAN modification action.