Users Guide

Table Of Contents
398 Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting
user-logout (Optional) Enable user logout mode to allow an
authenticated client to deauthenticate from the network.
If this option is clear or the user does not specifically
request logout, the client connection status remains
authenticated until the CP deauthenticates the user, for
example by reaching the idle timeout or session timeout
redirect (Optional) Enable the redirect mode for a CP
configuration so that the user is redirected to a specific
Web page after the verification or authentication process.
When the redirect mode is not enabled, the user sees the
CP welcome page after the verification or authentication
redirect-url url (Optional) Specify the web page that the users sees after
successful verification or authentication through the CP.
url — The URL for redirection (Range: 1–512 characters).
group group-number (For Local and RADIUS verification) Configure the group
number associated with this CP configuration. By default,
only the default group exists. To assign a different user
group to the CP instance, you must first configure the
group-number — The number of the group to associate
with this configuration (Range: 1–10)
session-timeout timeout (Optional) Enter the number of seconds to wait before
terminating a session. A user is logged out once the session
timeout is reached. The session timeout can be set for
each user if the CP requires authentication.
timeout — Session timeout. 0 indicates timeout not
enforced (Range: 0–86400 seconds)
interface interface Associate an interface with this CP. (
The interface variable includes the interface type and
number, for example tengigabitethernet 1/0/3.
enable Enable the CP instance.
Command Purpose