Users Guide

Table Of Contents
546 Images and File Management
Managing Files on a USB Flash Device
Use the following commands to manage files that are on a USB device that is
plugged into the USB flash port on the front panel of the switch.
Command Purpose
show usb device Display USB flash device details
dir usb Display USB device contents and memory statistics
copy usb://filename { url
| active | application
[filename] | backup |
backup-config | ca-root
[1-8] | client-key [1-8] |
client-sll-cert [1-8] | ias-
users | openflow-ssl-ca-
cert | openflow-ssl-cert |
openflow-ssl-priv-key |
running-config | script
destfilename | startup-
config }
Copy the specified file from the USB flash device to the
specified file in internal flash.
The url parameter may be one of the following:
tftp://{ipaddress|hostname} /filepath/filename
unmount usb Make the USB flash device inactive. The device must be
removed and re-inserted to become active again.