Users Guide

Table Of Contents
Access Control Lists 737
{deny | permit} {ipv6-
protocol | number |
every} {source-ipv6-
prefix/prefix-length | any
| host source-ipv6-
address} [{range
{portkey | startport}
{portkey | endport} |
{eq | neq | lt | gt}
{portkey | 0-65535}]
prefix/prefix-length | any
| host destination-ipv6-
address} [{range
{portkey | startport}
{portkey | endport} |
{eq | neq | lt | gt}
{portkey | 0-65535}]
[flag [+fin | -fin] [+syn
| -syn] [+rst | -rst]
[+psh | -psh] [+ack | -
ack] [+urg | -urg]
[established]] [flow-
label value] [icmp-type
icmp-type [icmp-code
icmp-code] | icmp-
message icmp-message]
[routing] [fragments]
[dscp dscp]}} [log]
[assign-queue queue-id]
[{mirror | redirect}
interface] [rate-limit
rate burst-size]
— Identifies the order of application
of the permit/deny statement. If no sequence number is
assigned, permit/deny statements are assigned a sequence
number beginning at 1000 and incrementing by 10.
Statements are applied in hardware beginning with the
lowest sequence number. Sequence numbers are
applicable only within an access group; i.e., the ordering
applies within the access-group scope. The range for
sequence numbers is 1–2147483647.
•{deny | permit} — Specifies whether the IP ACL rule
permits or denies the matching traffic.
{ipv6-protocol | number| every} — Specifies the
protocol to match for the IP ACL rule.
IPv4 protocols:
icmpv6, ipv6, tcp and udp
every: Match any protocol (don’t care)
source-ipv6-prefix/prefixlength | any | host src-ipv6-
address — Specifies a source IP address and netmask to
match for the IP ACL rule.
For IPv6 ACLs, any implies a 0::/128 prefix and a mask
of all ones.
Specifying “host X::X” implies a prefix length as “/128”
and a mask of 0::/128.
•[{range {portkey | startport} {portkey | endport} | {eq |
neq | lt | gt} {portkey | 0-65535}] — Specifies the
layer-4 source or destination port match condition for the
IP/TCP/UDP ACL rule. A port number, which ranges
from 0-65535, can be entered, or a portkey, which can be
one of the following keywords: bgp, domain, echo, ftp,
ftp-data, http, ntp, pop2, pop3, rip, smtp, snmp, telnet,
tftp, telnet, time, who, and www. Each of these keywords
translates into its equivalent destination port number.
When range is specified, IPv6 ACL rule matches only if
the layer-4 port number falls within the specified port
range. The startport and endport parameters identify
the first and last ports that are part of the port range.
They have values from 0 to 65535. The ending port
must have a value equal or greater than the starting
port. The starting port, ending port, and all ports in
between will be part of the layer-4 port range.
Command Purpose