Administrator Guide

Table Of Contents
Switch Management Commands 2168
<189> Oct 24 02:10:26 CMDLOGGER[emWeb]: cmd_logger_api.c(83)
438 %% NOTE CLI:EIA-232::logging buffered info
If enabled, the CLI command logger subsystem begins to log commands
immediately after the user is authenticated. After authentication, the CLI
generates an explicit message and invokes the command logger. The format of
the message at login is:
<189> Jan 10 18:58:56 CMDLOGGER[209809328]:
cmd_logger_api.c(83) 361 %% NOTE CLI: admin logged in
<190> Jan 10 18:58:56 CLI_WEB[209809328]:
cmd_logger_api.c(260) 362 %% INFO [CLI:admin:] User has
successfully logged in
The CLI command log subsystem also logs all user log out instances. The
format of the log message is:
<190> Jan 10 19:01:04 CLI_WEB[209809328]:
cmd_logger_api.c(260) 382 %% INFO [CLI:admin:] User has logged out
Commands in this Section
This section explains the following commands:
clear logging logging monitor
clear logging file logging on
description (Logging) logging protocol
level logging snmp
logging cli-command logging source-interface
logging logging traps
logging audit logging web-session
logging buffered port
logging console show logging
logging facility show logging file
logging file show syslog-servers
terminal monitor