Users Guide

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Audio Visual Bridging Commands 1144
The following fields are displayed for the interface summary command.
Command History
Introduced in version firmware.
console#show msrp summary
MSRP Global Admin Mode......................... Enabled
MSRP Talker Pruning............................ Disabled
MSRP Maximum Fan-in Ports...................... 12
MSRP Boundary Propagation...................... Disabled
QAV class A priority........................... 3
QAV class A remap priority..................... 1
QAV class B priority........................... 2
MSRP QAV class B
bandwidth (allocated/total)
The allocated and total bandwidth allocated to MSRP
QAV class B.
MSRP total bandwidth The allocated and total bandwidth allocated to MSRP.
QAV class A priority The class A priority for traffic class mapping.
QAV class A remap priority The class A remap priority for traffic class mapping.
QAV class B priority The class B priority for traffic class mapping.
QAV class B remap priority The class B remap priority for traffic class mapping.
Field Description
Intf The interface for which information is displayed.
Mode The current mode of the interface (enabled/disabled).
SrPVID The MSRP VLAN ID for the SR traffic class on the
A-Prio The class A priority for the interface.
A-Remap The remap class A priority for the interface.
B-Prio The class B priority for the interface.
B-Remap The remap class B priority for the interface.
Boundary (A/B) If boundary propagation is enabled for class A and class