Users Guide

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Layer 3 Routing Commands 1596
console#show ipv6 mld traffic
Valid MLD Packets Received..................... 52
Valid MLD Packets Sent......................... 7
Queries Received............................... 0
Queries Sent................................... 7
Reports Received............................... 52
Reports Sent................................... 0
Leaves Received................................ 0
Leaves Sent.................................... 0
Bad Checksum MLD Packets....................... 0
Malformed MLD Packets.......................... 0
show ipv6 nd raguard policy
Use this command to display the RA Guard policy on all interfaces for which
it is enabled.
Field Description
Valid MLD Packets
The number of valid MLD packets received by the
Valid MLD Packets Sent The number of valid MLD packets sent by the router.
Queries Received The number of valid MLD queries received by the
Queries Sent The number of valid MLD queries sent by the router.
Reports Received The number of valid MLD reports received by the
Reports Sent The number of valid MLD reports sent by the router.
Leaves Received The number of valid MLD leaves received by the router.
Leaves Sent The number of valid MLD leaves sent by the router.
Bad Checksum MLD
The number of bad checksum MLD packets received by
the router.
Malformed MLD Packets The number of malformed MLD packets received by the